
It is as on the sand I write for you a poem But the sea comes in again to steal it Like a child I stand and wonder why this is That hope lives only to be washed away

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Man as a created being has an innate inner need for a spiritual leader . . . but
He chooses to deny this to himself and hence he assumes himself to be as a god
From thence he supposes a "political logic" which then provides a rational explanation that satisfies the limits or demands of a worldly reasoning
But that is like a Finite being trying to be able to comprehend and master the Infinite of Reality . . . An impossibility
Mankind without living a God orientated life style (God Realization) . . . becomes the subject of a self-demanding existence (survival of the fittest vs the Spiritual)
In which everything is relative to the self and it`s past experience . . . This is so very limiting and as always striving to be . . . but without finding the Reality and the Security there is to have in Jesus the Author of Peace . . . Without this personal foundation stone to Living Life God becomes only as a word without any credibility as Truth . . . For each person has their own view of God founded upon a worldly sermize which essentially has been guided by a "political comfort" Here the self seeks protection for itself by denying there is a Spiritual Reality to God
Don`t loose sight of the fact that God gave to us the greatest gift of all a Free - Will but man naturally (the self - will - the mind`s natural spirit)
chooses wills to not give up it`s own little empire as self rules OK! encouraged is a confidence legislated by the "comfort of vanity" Because self is more comfortable living with the lie "I think . by my way I know best therefore I am" Oh ! How Foolish
It is living without this fear of God that places man`s thought patterns in the shadow of darkness and in total subjection to the world`s limitation and by this in subservience to worldly demands . . . What is this but slavery . . . but still man dare to think he can be free on account of his own means . . . Man makes fickle the substance of intelligence
Darkness has but one author throughout . . . and by using the self - vanity are but instruments used to deceive . . . in that they seek a sensual justification to satisfy the spirit of man in refusing Spiritual Reality
The Reality of the TRUTH can have but one definition only and that is personal

Without Faith it is impossible to please God ( Jesus is the Word of God)


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